Sunday, 24 February 2013


Hello, and welcome to my A2 advanced portfolio for media studies. Full of my planning, research and final products including its developments, changes and its overall completion will be all posted below this post!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Evaluation Question 3

Click on the link below to see presentation!

Evaluation Question 4

Click on the link below to see presentation!

Final Tralier: Class A (2013)

Class A (2013)

What happens when the first person you trust turns on you? Eleanor (Ellie Daligan) is about to find out, after she and her boyfriend Hunter (Wayne Kanaris-Brady) have spent eighteen months in a dark room doing drugs together and having fun. Eleanor finally realises  what she is doing and how its affecting her life. Hunter, seeing her trying to get out of the drugs lifestyle after he continuously tries to force her to do drugs she decides she's has enough, with encouragement from her friends she manages to escape... but has she also escaped the hands of Hunter? In a rage Hunter goes after her friends and her to seek revenge on those who did him wrong.

Digital Strategy

I created a small poster which will help our target audience in some way relate to our trailer.

The poster is related to our film because it to do with taking drugs. I've decided to create awareness poster showing our target audience how drugs can kill and how many people die from drug abuse in the UK.  I then added the slogan from our film. The poster does not give much information from where the poster is from but by the target audience seeing the slogan 'once you start. you can't stop.' they will instantly recognise it from our trailer. I then added 'the talk to frank' information as it is also used in the trailer. The poster is quite plain and dark but the white text stands out from the background .

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Official Poster for Class A (2013)

This is the official poster for our trailer. A few changes have been made to the poster for example, making some of the background in black and white. This made the sihloutes stand our from everything else. The text of the release date has also be made to fit in with the red part of the background also making it stand out from the white text. I've decided to post this on valentines day because the release date for our trailer will be on Valentine's Day. Our trailer is focuses on a relationship between a young couple and the battle between drugs, so we though it would perfect to market young couples and specifically on Valentines Day.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Song Licensing

Thank you to Ed Sheeran and Sony/ATV for licensing 'The A Team' song for our trailer. As well as to Mr Rosen for all your hard work to get this license.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

New Synopsis

What happens when the first person you trust turns on you? Eleanor (Ellie Daligan) is about to find out, after she and her boyfriend Hunter (Wayne Kanaris-Brady) have spent eighteen months in a dark room doing drugs together and having fun. Eleanor finally realises  what she is doing and how its affecting her life. Hunter, seeing her trying to get out of the drugs lifestyle after he continuously tries to force her to do drugs she decides she's has enough, with encouragement from her friends she manages to escape... but has she also escaped the hands of Hunter? In a rage Hunter goes after her friends and her to seek revenge on those who did him wrong.